Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hoping for Madrid

So, I've started the Visa process!  Basically, AFS just emailed to tell me that I needed to apply for an FBI back round check; just some preliminary stuff.  Very basic, right? Wrong.  There was this whole mess about needing an ID other than my passport to get my finger printing done, and I don't get my permit until July so I had to go to the DMV and wait for an ID, which doesn't come for a week or two.  It seems like I'm always waiting.

In other news, I completed Culture Trek!  Culture Trek is an online program for exchange students provided by AFS, and it's supposed to help you prepare for the culture-shock and hidden stereotypes and all while in your host country.  Having been an AFS volunteer for some time I was anticipating this, and it was really exciting to pass such a milestone in exchange.  Online activities like this are just one of the ways AFS has helped me to prepare for going over seas.  I'm so thankful to have such great volunteers over at American Field Services, and I'm lucky to be going with such an awesome company.

Still waiting for a host family, but I'm really hoping to get placed in Spain's capital, Madrid!

Just an update on May 18th: still waiting for a family!  More and more students have theirs, and I swear I'll go crazy if I don't find out soon.  I would rather be disappointed with a family than happy without one.  Just to end the anticipation.  Hopefully I'll find out any day now!


  1. O.o there's an FBI background check? Really?

  2. Yep! So far, it's all been pretty intense. I know the concept may sound pretty simple, but it's an incredibly intricate process. And the government officials have been SUPER helpful (sarcasm.)
