Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fifteen Things I Have Been Asked Repeatedly

In celebration of my imminent departure, I have comprised a list of fifteen things that have been said to me, repeatedly, ever since I announced I was going to Spain with AFS.

First off, the conversation would go a little like this: my mom and I run in to her friend at the grocery store. They say something like "this is your daughter?" and my mother responds, "yes, she is going to Spain as a foreign exchange student next year." Instant Shock. "Ohhhh my God that is wonderful!" And then they ask a whole bunch of questions, because they must know every detail. Don't get me wrong, I see no harm in asking me about a really great opurtunity that I am fortunate enough to partake in, but I have been asked these questions, always the same questions, every single day since December. If you're going to be a foreign exchange student and you're reading this, buckle up and brace yourself. Here they are.

1) You're going for the whole year? Really now, the general public finds it astonishingly hard to believe that a child such as my self, or any other person, for that matter, has the tenacity to leave good ol' Durham for a whole year. To think! The scandal!

2) Did you have to pay? Yes. I had to pay. I could've gone for a country with a scholarship but I chose the most expensive one just to spite my parents.

3)Do you come home for Christmas? Maybe it is just because I'm in the South, but some people honestly cannot comprehend that I will be away for the holidays. It would be a little dramatic to fly home for a week. Spain has Christmas, too.

4) Can your parents come visit you? Technically, they can. But there's a whole bunch of psychological stuff that says your parents visiting your new home throws you off. AFS doesn't recommend it.

5) What will you do about school? Now, that is a good one. I'm hoping to get credits for my classes in Spain--such as English as a second language--and I also took some online classes that I will miss in America. Hopefully I can come back and be a junior. Gosh, I've said that exact response so many times now it feels scripted

6) But won't you miss everyone? Of course I will. But not so much that I will turn down my year abroad. My friends and family will be there next year.

7) Isn't Spain's economy in the dumps right now? I'm surprised my friends know this. I thought I was the only one who stalked the Spanish news. Yes, Spain's economy is looking pretty bad. It is slowly improving. It will be interesting to experience.

8) Your parents let you do this? Yep.

9) Do you even speak Spanish? I've gotta admit. This one is a blow to my confidence because my Spanish is a little iffy. The asker always goes on to ask, "how many years of Spanish have you had in school?" Well, one, but my private tutoring should help a lot. The worst question is, "are you fluent?" Far from. The asker always reassures me, "I'm sure you'll learn super fast once you're there." Let's hope.

10) Will school be taught in Spanish? ....Yes. Is school in America taught in English? I suppose it is a likely possibility that I'll go to an American school in Madrid, or a bilingual school, but I prefer to rough it with the natives.

11) Will you, like, live with a family? Ahaha. This question is usually asked by my high school friends, bless their hearts. Obviously you know by now that I'm living with the Ballarin Sansonettis.

12) Have you ever been to Spain? Nope. So it better be pretty darn great there.

13) Will you pick up a cute Spanish boy? I'm sure not everyone there is a complete Lothario.

14) You'll be so tan when you get home! This is real. People think I'll be spending all of my time on the beach.

15) What if you get, like, kidnapped or something. I sure hope not.

So, just one more warning. If you are going abroad next year, you will be asked these to the point of insanity. But also excitement.


  1. wow, what an awesome opportunity! i really hope you have fun on your trip :) it's nice of you to make this blog, but to be honest you seem to come off really condescending...

    1. thanks for you advice. I see what you mean, and I think I'll change a few things. I appreciate it!

  2. Hahaha OMG this could not be more relateable. I like the sass... xD

  3. THIS IS ALL SO TRUE!! also you gave me some great ideas for questions to add to my blog... things that i have forgotten... but i really like questions 1 and 14 and your answer to 10. i totally get question 10 ALL THE TIME!

    1. haha thanks. Have you made your list yet? I couldn't find it.
